HCG Diet

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

HCG Diet Shakes

HCG Diet Shakes and Bars for Phase 2 and 3. What Products Won’t Stall Your Weight Loss?Using shakes and bars as a meal replacement on Phase 2 or 3 is tempting. They are convenient, usually high in protein, and seem like a good alternative for an on the go HCG Diet meal. Before you choose to use an HCG Diet bar or shake, it’s important to get the facts and learn which ingredients are okay and which to avoid on your Phase 2 or Phase 3. The HCG Diet Phases 2 and 3 are comprised of very specific instructions and ingredients and any deviation could result in stalling your weight loss on Phase 2 or a failure to stabilize on Phase 3. You’ve invested your time and money in this program and I know you want the best results. This article will give you some basic guidelines about what works with the HCG Diet and what ingredients you should avoid when choosing an HCG Diet Shake or Bar as a meal replacement.

HCG Diet

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HCG Diet Shakes for Phase 2 – What to Avoid?

Avoid Soy protein and isolates as a protein source
Avoid artificial sweeteners (sucralose and aspartame)
Phase 2 or Phase 3 HCG Diet Shake with Chocolate, Strawberry, and Orange

HCG Diet Shake for Phase 2 or 3 of the HCG Diet. What ingredients to avoid for maximum weight loss with the HCG Diet?

Avoid Sugar, High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup solids, Agave, and Fructose
Avoid HCG Diet shakes with a carbohydrate level greater than 2. Your HCG Diet shake should be pure protein and a high carbohydrate count indicates hidden sugars and starches.
HCG Diet

HCG Diet Shakes for Phase 2 – What’s Okay?
Egg White, pea Protein, and rice protein Protein shakes flavored with Stevia or approved sweetener and fresh fruit. Choose shakes with the highest quality natural ingredients and a low carbohydrate count.Stevia, Erythritol, and Xylitol as a sweetener

HCG Diet

HCG Diet Shakes for Phase 3 What’s Okay?

Any protein source including good quality Whey protein is fine (Soy and isolates are highly processed and still not healthy for you). Continue to watch out for high carbohydrate levels (Greater than 2 grams) and eliminate the same artificial and sugary sweeteners as Phase 2. For Phase 3 shakes you can add extra nutrition with powdered supplements and herbs, flax oil, and green vegetables and powders or fresh antioxidant rich berries or fruit.

HCG Diet Bars – Not Okay – Could Stall your Weight Loss

I haven’t found any HCG Diet meal replacement bar yet that is okay and won’t stall weight loss on Phase 2 or Phase 3. If the bars have any dried fruit in them they will likely be too highly in concentrated fruit sugar which can wreck havoc on weight loss or Stabilizing your weight on P3. Avoid the sugars and a high carbohydrate count. Nuts are fine for most people on P3 in small to moderate amounts but you still can’t over do it and a concentrated HCG Diet bar is likely to have more than one of these ingredients that is off limits for the HCG Phase 2 or 3. Remember that all starchy and sugary ingredients must be avoided in both Phase 2 and 3.

When evaluating any HCG Diet Shakes, Bars, or other products for either Phase 2 or Phase 3, your first line of defense is to read the labels and avoid any forms of sugar, starches, additives, high carbohydrates, and artificial ingredients.

There are lots of brands out there including many private label products marketed to HCG Dieters. Policing HCG Diet Bars and Shakes individually would be difficult. You have likely invested a lot of time and money in your weight loss so I encourage you to use the tips mentioned above when evaluating an HCG shake or bar as a meal replacement for the HCG Diet and use only approved ingredients. This will help you achieve the maximum weight loss with the HCG Diet and your Phase 2 or 3.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Does Ania Lisewska have AIDS?

We had an exclusive interview with Ania Lisewska and that is the Dialogue!
HCG Diet

Note: We reported Ania Lisewska as overweight according to our BMI Calculator, If you want to calculate tour BMI, Click Here

HCG Press: We have read some news about you have decided to do a sex marathon with 100 thousand men .. Is this news correct?
Ania Lisewska: it's news is correct , I decided do it and I 'm going to do this marathon , which it has gained momentum for my country "Poland" and I think I am doing something interesting .

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HCG Press: Lebanese newspapers wrote that you got a visa to enter Egypt ? .
Ania Lisewska: No this is not happen , but I applied for a visa to enter Egypt, but I received information that undesirable my presence in Egypt of some people, I have received calls from friends in Egypt , Lebanon, Syria , Jordan and Iraq, and they welcome my visit , I wish to visit these countries as soon as possible .

HCG Press: If the Egyptian government agreed and he gave you a visa . .are you going to visit Egypt ?
Ania Lisewska: I love to visit Egypt because it is a beautiful country and wonderful and it has wonderful men .. But I respect your religion and I do not want to be abused to it .

HCG Press: What is the Arab states that you visited ?
Ania Lisewska: I have not visited any Arab country until now .

HCG Press: But some newspapers wrote you visited Iraq ?
Ania Lisewska: This did not happen but I am waiting to travel to Iraq .

HCG Press: Some newspapers and news site wrote you infected with HIV , " AIDS ?"
Ania Lisewska: This is a lie and the source of this information is hacker has hacking my Facebook Account and dissemination of information on my page .. and I have test and I post test picture on my site .

This article written by : www.HallOfQuotes.com

HCG Press: Are you face some problems in the countries of Europe cause of your project ?
Ania Lisewska: Yes , of course , but small problems .

HCG Diet

HCG Diet & Ketosis

What's the Connection between HCG Diet & Ketosis?
You have mostly heard the word "Ketosis" in the last days but few really know why you might want to be "in Ketosis". Ketosis is a process where our body begins to burn fat for energy. ketone bodies are particles created during the fat burning operations that our body then uses for energy in place of glucose from the carbohydrates in our diet.

So if a person changes their diet from a normal American (High Carb & High Sugar diet) to a diet that does not replenish the bodies glycogen stores, the body goes begin to enter ketosis. It can take about 48hrs for the body to make the switch from glucose to ketones which is why the first few days of low carb, low glycemic diets can be somewhat challenging.

Some ketone bodies (acetoacetate and ß-hydroxybutyrate) are used for energy in the body with some organs notably the heart and kidneys actually prefering ketones to glucose. However one type of ketone molecule, called acetone, is not used by the body and is excreted in the urine and breath (which can sometimes cause a breath odor). The acetone that is excreted in the urine can be detected using a test strips commonly called by the brand name Ketostix. Available at most drugstore these test strips can be used to test if your body has entered into a state of Ketosis. Keeping track while dieting can be very helpful and can be a great source of encouragement.

What does this mean for the HCG Diet?The HCG Diet can be classified as a "Ketogenic Diet" because of its strict dietary rules that cuts out all carbohydrates.

What can I expect from being "in Ketosis"?
You can expect massiveWeight Loss, to put it simply. However during the first 2-5 days you may notice some ketosis symptoms such as:

- Leg spasms
- Headache- General fatigue
- Feeling thirsty
- Metallic taste in the mouth- Bad breath- Dizziness
- Sleeping problems - Nausea and stomach ache

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

HCG and Testosterone

- Function of Testosterone
Testosterone is the most important sex hormone produced in men. The function of testosterone is the production of normal adult male characteristics. During puberty, testosterone stimulates the physical changes that constitute the attributes of the adult male.

Throughout the adult life, testosterone maintains the sexual drive, this involving ejaculation of solar cells, male curly hair styles, lean muscle and bone mass. Androgenic hormone or testosterone can be manufactured in men from the testes and within the outside stratum from the adrenal glands.

- Symptoms of Low Testosterone
It can be defined as failure of the testes to produce a minimal level of testosterone in the adult male which results in a low testosterone level. Physical signs of low testosterone in men may include:

Declining sex drive,
Low sperm count
Erectile dysfunction (ED),
Decrease in lean muscle mass
Chronic fatigue.

Function of Testosterone Therapy
Function of HCG Therapy is to Stimulate the Testes to Prevent Loss of Natural Testosterone Production and Avoid Testicular Atrophy while the Male Patient is Undergoing Testosterone Hormone Replacement Therapy.

The hormone HCG is prescribed for men in this therapy to increase natural testosterone production during the course of therapy as a result of the stimulation of the testes by the HCG. No testosterone medication is administered in this treatment. The treatment objective is to cause the male testes to naturally produce a higher volume of testosterone by HCG stimulation of his testes with the result that the patient experiences a continuing higher blood level of testosterone while on treatment. Another treatment objective is to avoid the use of any anabolic steroid and its adverse side effects upon the patient.

HCG Therapy normally increases natural testosterone production by the male testes while HCG is administered to the patient during the treatment period However, HCG Therapy can also result in a continuation of increased testosterone production and a resulting higher level of testosterone in the bloodstream after treatment is completed when the cause of the patient's low natural LH secretion by the pituitary is not due to the patient's natural genetics, aging process, injury to or loss of one or both testes; a medical disorder or disease affecting the testes, or castration.

HCG Diet

HCG Therapy can result in a continuing higher level of natural testosterone production by the testes after HCG Therapy is completed when the underlying cause of the low LH secretion and resulting low testosterone production (1) is due to the prior use of one or more anabolic steroids by the patient or (2) due to the administration of testosterone in a prior hormone replacement therapy without the required concurrent HCG Therapy to prevent the patient's endocrine system (hypothalamus pituitary-testes axis) from shutting down the natural production of testosterone by the testes and causing testicular atrophy.

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Best food for HCG Diet

The Best food for HCG Diet


- Strawberries, Blue Berries, or Blackberries
- Lemons
- Apples

- Lettuce, spinach, beet greens, chard, cabbage
- Tomatoes
- Onions
- Fennel
- Cucumber
- Radishes
- Asparagus

All meats should be trimmed of all fat (and skin)

- White Fishs
- Crabs
- Lobster
- Shrimp
- Chicken
- Extra Lean Beef (steak, 96%)

- Tea (Herbal )
- Melba Toast
- Water
- Sugarless Gum
- Natural sweetener, any flavor
- Mustard
- Braggs Liquid Amino
- Apple Cider Vinegar

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Friday, September 27, 2013

The Different Forms of HCG

There are many forms of HCG preparations that can be administered as:

1. HCG Intramuscular injections (IM): it's really on of the the simplest ways and also the most agonizing and the most dangerous. Only a nurse or other healthcare provider can administer the (IM) injections.

HCG Diet

2. HCG Subcutaneous injections (SQ):it has the same effectiveness as (IM) injections, but it is not hurting the skin and it is not dangerous which means that it's the best way to administer HCG. It can be injected by the patient immediately after obtaining the knowledge and the practice about the technique

HCG Diet

3. HCG Nasal spray may be the other best. The mucus membranes on the air passage as well as sub lingual lining are more permeable in comparison to skin which allow better absorption of HCG. very very effective.

HCG Diet

4. HCG Sublingual drops are usually effective for all those planning to avoid high price as well as the pain of injections. HCG absorption is usually bad and need much more larger doses when compared to the other methods.

HCG Diet
5. Transdermal creams/ointments are the very least effective form of all administrative methods of HCG, i think it is too large to come through the skin. That form isn't recommended.

HCG Diet

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